full stack web developer
  • Web Design
  • Development
  • Freelancer

Hi I'm Nasir Sharker Web Designer Web Developer

We Are Developing To Your Concept, let's Build Dreaming
A Great And Creative For You

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Awesome Service

Discover our Awesome Service with a full stack web developer, ready to create stunning, user-friendly websites! Boost your online presence today!

About me

I'm quietly confident, naturally curious, and perpetually working on improving my skill one design problem at a time. I like to code things and enjoy bringing ideas to life in the browser.

Nasir Sharker

Interactive Developer

Hi ! I'm Nasir Sharker, a professional full-stack web developer. I have good knowledge in PSD to HTML, email templates, full websites, landing pages, WordPress customization, speed optimization, woo-commerce, on-page SEO. I have 5 years+ of experience in this field. I know HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP, JAVASCRIPT, jQUery, PHP & MYSQL through which I can provide a complete web service. Also, I will provide the best customer support and unlimited revisions with 100% satisfaction for all my clients. I am determined that my skill will make clients satisfied and make friends.

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Creative Designer




Html & Css






Creative Portfolio

Sharing images of a good portfolio will often also include sketches that help add clarity to the work. Developers typically want to see how you think of challenges and get a sense of your creative result.


See Latest Blog

If you are excited to work with a web developer for future projects or you have more questions about developing and weather new idea, you must see the below article that will help you a lot.

Let's Contact Us

Although I'm not currently looking for any new opportunities, my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!